August 27, 2010

A multitude

Here’s the rundown on the fall 40 Days for Life campaign:
  • 238 locations (the most ever!)
  • 46 US states
  • 6 Canadian provinces
  • Australia, Denmark, Northern Ireland
  • Many new cities … including London, England!
The full list of locations for the 40 Days for Life campaign has just been posted at:

...if you count the heavenly host, that's quite a force to be reckoned with!

A movement of LOVE

If you ever desire to know what it was like to be a part of the early church as described in the Acts of Apostles, then sign up to be vigil coordinator of your local 40 Days campaign.

I gotta tell ya, it has done my little heart good to see the Body of Christ in such a tangible manifestation.

Dear reader, we are already victors, if only because we have each other. No matter what obstacle we face, we have each other, and that's about all we need.

The communion of Christ is a beautiful thing to behold, and seeing my brothers and sisters from all parts of this city, God's city, uniting in their resolve to uphold core principles in such a peaceful and loving doesn't get much better. I am honored to stand with all of you, I truly am.

Let's not forget that we are not alone. For starters, I have an aunt in Lansing who is in solidarity with us. The Dominican Sisters at Marywood are joining us in prayer. My parents in the Detroit area have a sign in their yard. Let's not forget the people who are homebound and praying with us.

And, of course, let's not forget the most important Three who are standing with us: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are always standing by us, and if we admit them into our hearts, they are with us more deeply than we can comprehend.

Every hour you stand at 320, every meal you forsake (or whichever fast God chose for you), every time you ask the Lord to bless the children who perish, you stand with a crowd. A huge crowd. A very, very huge crowd. Let that just blow your mind for a second...

...yeah. It's huge.

We are going to be victorious because God is good, and what happens at 320 saddens Him. Yet, God does not want only a few to be victorious. He wants your heart, dear reader, to join in the cause, and your neighbor's heart, and many more hearts besides.

Do you have an aunt in Lansing? or have you asked your parents to hang the sign in their yard? have you chatted up any women religious lately? have you invited someone in the hospital to pray with us?

The harvest is ready, and the laborers few. Let's be amazed at what a simple, sincere invitation can effect in the lives of those around us. After all, it seems to have worked back in the day when the early church was nascent and Grand Rapids wasn't even a twinkle in America's proverbial eye.

Jesus, help us abide in your heart as one people united for life!