August 26, 2009


Our kickoff takes place Sunday, September 20.

Thus, our vigil will actually begin a few days before the first of our 40 days.

In fact, for those of us on the core team, our vigilance has already begun. In anticipation of the campaign we are working to promote here in GR, our team has resolved to pray & fast every Tuesday (because we have our meetings every other Tuesday). We have attempted to begin each meeting with a visit to 320 Fulton before we do any other action, plan any other step, make any other move.

That's really the point of this campaign in a nutshell. Nothing matters more than prayer: on-site, fully-present, Christ-adoring prayer at the very location where He is needed most... the heart of the person standing on the sidewalk at 320 Fulton.

Yes, the staff at 320 need our vigilance. The motorists cruising by need our vigilance. The pedestrians whose hearts we may touch or encounter need our vigilance.

But God needs our vigilance, our own personal attentiveness to our own hearts, first and foremost. God yearns for and sometimes demands this quality of vigilance on our part. The darkness of sin that has led our society to embrace abortion did not accomplish its goals without a failure on the part of all members of our society to stand vigilant against Evil.

So the cure is not ‘out there’ somewhere. The end of abortion starts with the conversion, the turning, of my heart to Jesus whose Sacred Heart calls to me. The end of abortion starts with the conversion of your heart, dear reader.

Ask God to do some housework. Invite the Lord to sweep through the corners and recesses of your heart and wash away what doesn’t belong to Him. Then, ask the Almighty to send His angels to zealously guard the precious acreage of your heart, the soil of which is now cleansed and fertile and ready for the seed of the Word to be planted deep within. Every human heart is a garden prepared to bear fruit.

When I go back home, I like to visit my old neighbor. He has a lovely garden. He has consistently renovated his square footage of growing space to be increasingly deer-proof. He built a fence. He planted flowers the scent of which irritate deer noses. He made the fence taller. He has applied every measure he hears about in defense of the tender buds waiting for their chance in the sunlight.

Be vigilant, dear reader. Tender buds depend on you.