sicut in caelo et in terra:
"Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."
My goodness, how far we have come from this prayer. Do we, on earth even know or understand what the Will of God is anymore? As we strive to live out this prayer, we must appear to be very out of step with the crowd of those who have no ears to hear, or eyes to see. Is it any wonder the world cannot understand what we are trying to say? Or why we do what we do? Why do we stand out on the sidewalk praying in all kinds of weather and different times of day and night in front of 320 E. Fulton?
The Baltimore Catechism says we are created by God to know, love and serve Him in this world, and be happy with Him in the next. That surely, when lived out on earth, would make us stand out. This is the silent Gospel. The use of our free will in knowing, loving and serving God, is surely seen by the profane world as enslavement. Unless you have tried to live in this freedom, it is hard to describe it to those who just don't get it. This lifestyle is viewed by the secular as narrow-minded, single-issued, tunnel-visioned, archaic. But the narrow-mindedness (having a mind for Christ), the single issue focus, (having concern for the voiceless), tunnel-visioned, (seeing only the prize of His Kingdom come) and archaic, (having very deep roots), is a glorious way to journey through life on earth. Just as in heaven, the saints and angels are focused on God, giving adoration to the Holy Trinity alone, their engrossment being nothing else but God’s Glory, who is the Ancient of Days. May we never be discouraged or distracted by the world. May we always keep our eyes on the prize and be malleable to the Lord’s Will for us and for His creation, His first Adam. Come Lord, quickly come.
Fiat voluntas tua sicut in caelo et in terra...
Sed libera nos a malo!!
--Words of wisdom from Bettie, who started it all here in GR
September 27, 2009
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