September 20, 2009

Good News

Jesus instructs us, his disciples, in today's Gospel reading:

“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;
and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”

To receive even one child is the same as receiving God.


We will be doing more at 320 E. Fulton than perhaps we'd imagined!

In my evening prayer with Psalm 7, I was struck by another verse:

"Here is one who is pregnant with malice, conceives evil, and brings forth lies."

What a contrast to what took place in Mary's womb, she who brought forth the Savior, Good and True! What a contrast to what can happen when we reverence children as the Gospel commands us.

When we pray at 320, we bear witness that pregnancy, conception, and bringing forth new life is a sacred act, because in doing that, we receive God into our presence.

The Psalmist goes on to proclaim, "He digs a pitfall, digs it deep; and in the trap he has made he will fall. His malice will recoil on himself; on his own head his violence will fall.

I will thank the Lord for his justice;
I will sing to the Lord, the Most High."

Let us go to 320 confident that the Author of Lies, Malice, and Evil has dug the pitfall and will recoil. Let us go to 320 praising the Lord for JUSTICE.
Let us sing, dear reader, let us sing! Alleluia~ Praise Jesus, sent to save us!