September 09, 2009

Join us from home

Today the planning team will meet on a different day than we usually have. Since May, our meetings have taken place on Tuesdays. We've been fasting on Tuesdays in preparation for the campaign, which begins at our Kickoff Rally Sunday Sept.20 at 2pm in the Loosemore Auditorium.

Today is Wednesday, and most of us will probably forget to fast when we pour our orange juice this morning and start munching on a bagel. So you, dear reader, are more than welcome to join us in our fasting. It requires no travel, you don't have to sign up, and you can fast in whatever manner you feel the Lord indicates. Maybe you'll skip lunch. Maybe you won't watch TV tonight. Talk it over with God; you'll figure out what's best. The important thing is to pray while you do whatever it is you're (not) going to do.

Fasting without prayer is like...dancing without music. It's still dancing-- but it was meant to be accompanied.

We hope you will acompany us today with your prayer, your fasting, or both. We have much to accomplish in preparation for the KICKOFF RALLY Sunday Sept.20at 2pm.

Did I mention the Kickoff Rally takes place two Sundays from now? in the afternoon? GVSU's campus? No? Fliers will be posted soon in churches all across this grand city. You can visit our website, tweet us on Twitter, or friend us on Facebook-- information at your fingertips.