September 11, 2009

Prayer is action

Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life has made the following appeal:

"The women and men of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign have created a three-minute video in which women who have had abortions speak about how it harmed them, and declare that an increase in abortion will mean an increase in health problems for women.

Let’s meet their courage with ours and use this video to bring their voices into the debate.
See and spread the video at

The time for action is now, and the action could not be more simple: pray!"

Prayer for our Nation’s Health Care Reform

Lord Jesus, you are the Divine Physician,
And the source of all life and health.

Guide our nation at this critical moment,
As our government seeks health care reforms.

Give our elected officials the humility to know
That they are servants, not masters.
Give them the wisdom to realize
That every life has equal value.
Give them the strength to resist the idea
That some lives can be sacrificed to save others
Or that killing the unborn is a part of health care.

Give your people the courage to speak up
And to hold public officials accountable for their actions.

Save us, Lord Jesus, from a culture of death,
And let every reform in our public policy
Be based on the reform of our hearts and minds
In the light of your Gospel,
For you are Lord forever and ever.
