October 02, 2009

Guardians dear

Every one of us has an angel watching over us.

So, when a mother enters 320, there are three angels present: her angel, her child's angel, and the doctor's angel. You can imagine how hard the latter one is working!

Let us entrust each child that perishes to their guardian angel, who will carry them up to the throne of an Almighty and Loving Father. With the Prince of Peace at His right hand, God will rejoice at the reflection of His own dear Son in this wee child. Then we pray that this Father, Just and Merciful, will send His Holy Spirit upon the mother and the doctor, that their angels might guard them from the evil of complacent denial.

May all our hearts be guarded from complacency and denial!

Dear reader, I pray this prayer for you too:

Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
to whom God's love commits me here:
ever this day, be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.