October 12, 2009

Loving ALL Creation

For it was you who created my being,
knit me together in my mother's womb.
I thank you for the wonder of my being,
for the wonders of all your creation.
-Psalm 139

Kay Bolinger, who coordinated last year's vigil, is offering bumper stickers that read: "We can save the whales...but we're killing unborn babies?" It drives home the point that care for all the wonders of creation necessarily includes our children. Care for the earth is vital, but so are human rights.

Every single day, we trample upon the human rights of those some consider undesirable. Our society lavishes more love upon puppies and kittens than their own flesh and blood. We spend small fortunes on veterinary care while children end up in the local waste treatment plant because caring for them would have been too great a financial burden. We decry the presence of mercury in our drinking water while something more detrimental to our health and civility is contaminating our soil.

Let us restore our ecological balance. Let's make care for creation a priority, and let's start by caring for the least among us, our children, the most precious natural resource in our land.