October 04, 2010

If he can do it, so can you

I’ll be honest: Pro-Lifers annoy me sometimes...

I wish some Pro-Lifers didn’t play fast and loose with their figures, or quote their enemies out of context. I wish some of them could afford websites that didn’t make me want to gouge my eyes out in aesthetic horror, or proofreaders for their rambling, poorly-spelled emails. I wish some of them didn’t post twenty articles to Facebook a day, all on the same subject, using an overabundance of capital letters.


Anyway, for all of the above reasons, I was kind of surprised with myself when the email I got about 40 Days For Life somehow got me to register for a time slot in front of Planned Parenthood.

Because, you know, it’s not really my scene. I’m pretty content with just throwing out a stray Hail Mary for the cause now and then. I’ve been to these things before, because people have dragged me, but never on my own initiative.


Pro-Lifers annoy me, sure; but, as my family will tell you, that’s not terribly hard to do. Just chewing the wrong way might be enough.

And they might have terrible grammar (some of ‘em), but while I’m sitting at home and looking at FAIL Blog, they’re out fighting the good fight. And unfortunately for me, I’m pretty sure that excellent grammar doesn’t count for much, Judgment-Day-wise. (“But Lord! When did I ever see thee dangle a preposition, or misplace a modifier, or misuse an apostrophe, and not correct thee?”)

You may want to read the rest of his entry here. I think it speaks to the magnitude of 40Days that it can draw slackers like this blogger against their baser inclinations. I think all of us can relate to his desire to simply shrug it off, that sense of responsibility, that prick of one's conscience.

40DFL succeeds because it allows people to step in quietly and do their part to help a cause that the majority of Americans know in their hearts is just. Not all of us want to be "one of those pro-life people", but all of us know that abortion is wrong. If we give God an inch, even begrudgingly, He will take us miles beyond what we thought we were able to do.