October 25, 2010

Take courage

Never prayed at an abortion center before?

If you're still not sure about this, please read
these stories before you take that leap of faith that
thousands are taking right now.

"I thought I SHOULD go and pray," Pamela wrote,
"but I always found an excuse not to do it." Then
she listened to the 40 Days for Life countdown
webcast before the current campaign.

"What struck me was that they said they were actually
blessed by praying," she said. "Any resistance I had
was overcome."

So she went -- and got hooked. "Every single
experience I had -- whether praying alone, with my
daughter, with others ... was really inspiring. I
think if you can at least go one time ... you will
also get hooked."

Theresa is a first-time 40 Days for Life prayer vigil
participant this fall.

"I felt nervous energy all morning," she said, but
"once I was there and began to pray, I immediately
felt the grace of the Holy Spirit. At times I would
be alone physically, but I always felt safe and

At first, Mary didn't want to go pray because she
didn't want to offend anyone. Eventually, she got
over it and went to the vigil.

"I may be saving the life of a child -- a child like
any other child," she said, "deserving a chance
at life. I pray for courage and boldness, and it is

"I was very hesitant to pray at our local abortion
provider, and declined for several years out of fear,"
said Pia. "I have three children, and felt extremely
nervous about praying outside this facility, which
is not in the best part of town."

When she explained her fear to the local 40 Days for
Life coordinator, he said he understood -- but he
also reminded her to "be not afraid."

It was the encouragement of her 14-year-old daughter
and her daughter's friend that convinced Pia to go
pray at the vigil. "Locally we have had several saves,
and there is no doubt in my mind of the power of
prayer," she said, "especially that of our youth."

"I, too, was one who was scared to go to the clinic
to pray," wrote Kris. "But God spoke to me and told
me 'Go, I will give you the words and protection.'
Thank God I listened!"

This particular prayer vigil was being held at an
abortion center that was under construction. It
wasn't yet open, but the vigil helped draw public
attention to what would soon be happening at this

"One morning when I was feeling very anxious, I went
and a young girl -- about 17 -- stopped and wondered
if the clinic was open yet," Kris said. Her boyfriend
was pressuring her to have an abortion.

"My blessing -- that still keeps me going today --
was her deciding not to have the abortion," said Kris.
"Have courage and don’t fear, because God is with each
one of us."