November 07, 2011

The results show

Dear Faithful 40 DFL Pray-ers,

Yesterday we concluded our 40 Days for Life campaign.

Thank you to all of you who prayed, fasted and kept vigil during these
days.  You provided a powerful witness on the sidewalk and we know we
can claim victory in the name of the Lord!

During this, the fifth and largest 40DFL campaign in Grand Rapids, 36
churches, several Knights of Columbus Councils and various area youth
groups, enlisted 100's of pray-ers to participate.  There were babies
saved from abortion (at least 4 that we know of, and probably more),
the clinic was unexpectedly closed on an abortion day, and on a
miraculous morning, an ultrasound tech showed up unexpectedly just
when she was needed - Praise God!

For those who are moved to continue praying, the clinic does abortions
on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 8 am to 1 pm.  You are
always welcome to come to the sidewalk during this time - and this
witness offers special encouragement to the sidewalk counselors who
continue onsite every week throughout the year.

Once again, thank you!

God bless you for your commitment to life,
Lisa Peters
Adminstrative Coordinator
Fall 2011 Grand Rapids Campaign