October 12, 2010

From the National website

One of the most joyful things about a 40 Days for Life
prayer vigil is the sight of a family praying together.
We see it all the time. And because Jesus asked the
disciples to let the little children come to Him, we
are sure that He is most attentive to their prayers.

One family prayed at a 40 Days for Life vigil recently
... and then wrote about it on our blog!

"During 40 Days for Life, I went to a prayer tent,"
said 6-year-old Glory. "We prayed out loud from 9:00 to
10:00 so abortion will stop. We had to wake up at 7:00
in the morning. I was so sleepy, but I had to eat. Then
I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. I am fasting
from rice milk so babies won't die."

"40 Days for Life is praying and fasting to end
abortion," said Mary Jane, who is 8. "I am fasting from
bagels because I eat them a lot. So I am fasting from
them. I think God will help us, and abortion will stop."

"For 40 Days for Life, I’m fasting from bananas because
I really like them, and we eat them a lot," wrote
10-year-old Parker. "When I want to eat them, I pray
for mothers that are pregnant so that they don’t have
an abortion and for all the people that had an abortion
so that they don’t have another one."

Thanks to Glory, Mary Jane and Parker for their
sacrifices -- and for the parents who are raising
children with a love for God