October 15, 2011

from LifeNews.com

Lord Nicholas Windsor, the first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, is creating a stir in England...with a new opinion piece in the London Telegraph newspaper calling abortion a form of eugenics.

Windsor said his commitment to opposing abortion originated in his realization that an abortion means the destruction of a human being, saying, “the cost [of abortion] is too high because the cost is paid in innocent human life.” In a critique of the 1967 Abortion Act in The Daily Telegraph, he states, “It hit me in the stomach that terminating a pregnancy equaled none other than the destruction of a human being. It knocked the wind out of me the first time, as it does every single time I think about it.”

read the rest here. Never undersetimate whose hearts and minds can be reached!

Lord Windsor is also promoting the San Jose Articles to defend the right to life internationally.

October 14, 2011

In God We Trust

More photos like this can be found at this link

October 13, 2011

Facts, not fiction



You may have been told that Planned Parenthood provides
healthcare for poor women and prevents abortions -- and
that abortion accounts for only 3% of its services.

That is hardly the case.

Nearly every Planned Parenthood "service" may be
obtained from a county health department, community
clinic or private physician. All except one -- abortion.

How can an organization that, by its own admission,
carried out 332,278 abortions (the annual total
increases EVERY YEAR), claim to prevent them?

Planned Parenthood says abortion comprises only 3% of
its services. That's true -- IF you use a definition of
"service" that treats abortions, birth control
prescriptions and STD tests as equal.

However, when you look at clinic income, you get a
much clearer picture regarding the importance of
abortion to Planned Parenthood.

According to their own annual report, Planned
Parenthood's clinic income was $405 million. As noted,
they performed 332,278 abortions. Assuming an average
cost of $500 per abortion, that means abortion brought
in $166 million.

That figure represents 41% of Planned Parenthood's
total clinic income. As always, follow the money.

I could say much more about Planned Parenthood. But
for today, I would just ask you to please PRAY.

* PRAY that the light of truth shines on this
 organization and its activities.

* PRAY that the people who work there will see that
 light -- and seek honorable work elsewhere.

* PRAY that the women seeking abortions there will
 understand -- and choose life for their babies.


Bereit there!

You have to go see David at noon today on the sidewalk, because I won't be able to.

I got to see him last year, but I'm still jealous. He's amazing! Tell him Seth says hello.

Seriously, be there or be square.

October 12, 2011

Midpoint Rally

Mark your calendars!

What:   40 Days for Life Midpoint Rally with David Bereit
When:   Thursday, October 13, 12 noon.
Where:  On the sidewalk in front of 320 E. Fulton, Grand Rapids

Come meet David Bereit, founder of 40DFL at our Midpoint Rally!

All are welcome to come and hear David's reports of stories from
around the country during this campaign.  We will also be sharing with
him the reports of our Grand Rapids campaign, including our many

Please pass this along to anyone you know who might be interested in
meeting David.  Also, feel free to contact me with any questions.

God bless you for your commitment to life,
Lisa Peters
Adminstrative Coordinator
Fall 2011 Grand Rapids campaign

October 11, 2011

October 10, 2011


Today is the day I was born.

Was it the day my life began? No.

My earthly life began the day I was conceived.

But my life with God began before then.

So how do we measure a life? I have lived thirty-onederful years outside my mother's womb. But I have been alive for 381 months, not 372. And I was known by God before then, which can't be numerated at all.

Therefore, every human life is really a precious mystery that begins and ends in the mystery of God, who is all in all. That's something worth celebrating.

Tragic news

from the HLI newsletter:

Today we heard the news of the death of Students for Life of America (SFLA) field director Kortney Blythe Gordon and her preborn daughter Sophy in a tragic car accident in Georgia, and of the critical injury of SFLA coordinator of the Pregnant on Campus Initiative Jon Scharfenberger. The prayers of the staff and pro-life missionaries of Human Life International are with Kortney's husband Benjamin, with the Blythe and Gordon families, and with all the great champions for life at Students for Life of America. We also pray for the full and speedy recovery of Jon, and for his family.

From our staff who have worked with Kortney, I have heard nothing but wonderful things about her courage, her creativity and her determination to save every unborn child. Kortney was truly an exceptional young woman, working tirelessly to make the world safe for the unborn. All who knew her had great respect and admiration for her.

from the website of SFLA:

On Monday, we hosted a national webcast to honor the lives of Kortney and Sophy and to offer intercessions of prayer on Jon’s behalf. Pro-life leaders and students from across the country joined us in prayer and discussion, including representatives from Rock for Life, Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, David Bereit of 40 Days for Life, Claude Allen of the Gerard Health Foundation, Reverend Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, and Jeff White of Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust. Hundreds of listeners offered their words of support and praise for the lives of Kortney and Sophy and for the work that both Kortney and Jon have accomplished within the pro-life movement, and we were overcome by the beautiful words from friends and families of our dear friends. For those who were unable to listen in on Monday night, the recording of the webcast is available here: http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=23295666. The webcast focused many prayers toward Jon and his family and helped greatly in his healing.

And although Jon has made various, gradual improvements, he has a long road of recovery ahead of him. His stability has fluctuated since the accident and, despite making a number of medical advancements that keep us all optimistic about his recovery, his condition continues to rise and fall throughout the day. We are beyond thankful to Our Lord for delivering Jon from the horrible accident that took the lives of Kortney and her daughter, but Jon is in need of many more prayers from us all to recover fully from his near-fatal injuries. Please make time to keep him in your thoughts and check back with us for details on his condition as we receive them.

October 09, 2011


It's strange for me to think that some people have to hear the heartbeat before they commit to carrying their pregnancy to term.

Whether or not I heard my child's heartbeat at the OB appointment last month would not have determined whether or not my wife and I would be in a delivery room in March. It was just a nifty bonus.

Not even seeing the ultrasound at the end of this month is going to determine anything other than provide us with a souvenir to add to the baby album.

So it's weird to think that something as innocuous as that would be the one factor that would determine a child's life or death. Seriously, lives are hanging in the balance over something so...expected.

I suppose people have forgotten that all living mammals have cardiovascular systems. If they didn't, they'd be dead.

Oh...now I get it.

I used to lay next to my mother at naptime and listen to her heartbeat. It was soothing.

Before I kissed my wife for the first time, I was profoundly aware of my heartbeat and the pulse in her wrist as we held hands on the bridge over the Grand River.

When the OB slid that little microphoney thing around, there was lots of static. I didn't expect to hear so much static, but I very much was straining my ears to detect a heartbeat.

What else do you expect to hear emanating from a womb? Violin concertos? a tap dance number? silence?

Silence would mean...well, I shudder to think what silence would mean. I was overjoyed not to hear silence in my wife's womb. Are there truly people in this world who feel the opposite?

It's essentially a glorified stethoscope. Its sole purpose is to help you detect the presence of a cardiovascular system in operation. If you never listen for a heartbeat, you can tell yourself there was never a heartbeat there to hear in the first place.

And, oh, what you'd be missing.

Evidence of love. That's what I heard in my mother, in my wife, in my heart, in my daughter, in her sibling: love. Why would you want to close your ears to love?