November 25, 2010

Pray for All Nascent Life

The Pope has invited the Bishops of the world and all people of Good Will to join him on Nov.27 in a prayer vigil for the recognition of the sanctity of all human life coming into existence.

You don't have to be Catholic to make the day before Advent a time to recall that Jesus came into the world as a fertilized ovum that became a zygote and an embryo and a fetus and was born of a Virgin. That recollection should reinforce that as Christians, we believe that all human life is sacred, because the All-Holy Incarnate has rendered it so.

In fact, that recollection should give us pause to consider: Christ was sacred even before he was a fertilized ovum, when he was yet a promise on the lips of a messenger of God, "Emmanuel".

So, too, God loved us before he knit us in our mother's womb. He loved us into existence.

Thus we are invited to make this prayer on the night before the season before Christmas. Let's begin at the beginning of all things, with the Word.

Nov.27 2010, 7pm.