September 25, 2010

from the AnnArbor campaign website

“One of the most difficult forms of fasting is
fasting from talking.”
-Msgr. Philip J. Reilly, Founder of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants

“The most important thing to happen outside of an abortion clinic is for people to be there in prayer.

When a pregnant woman in difficulty approaches the abortion clinic and she sees people praying outside the mill, whether as part of a prayer vigil or as sidewalk counselors praying, the pregnant woman immediately- consciously or subconsciously- thinks of God.

God is made present through your prayerful presence.

And the existence of her hidden unborn baby, the potential victim, whose existence our society forgets or denies, is also made present through your prayerful presence.
Moreover your prayers are obtaining from God for the frightened mothers the trust and courage to choose life for their unborn children.

To be effective the vigil participants and the sidewalk counselors also need each other and should act as one.... It is difficult to maintain silence and prayer over a long period of time. Yet every woman is equally important whether she comes early or late. She must not be deprived of your prayerful presence.

If a volunteer or volunteers need to talk or relax, ... the person or persons should take a brief walk away from the group, rather than turning the prayerful presence into a coffee break.”