October 20, 2010

from a valiant man on the Knight Shift

With all of the spiritual skirmishes going on lately, I thought it necessary to report on positive experiences that a couple of us had in the wee hours of the morning.

Last night, I was with two other guys from the Knight Shift. Shortly after I got there, a van pulled into one of the driveways close to where we were praying. A man got out of his van and asked if we needed coffee or hot chocolate or anything like that. He said that he’d seen us praying the nights that he’d driven by. He’d seen the people praying and doing spiritual battle with the protesters during the day. He felt compelled to stop and encourage us. After a few minutes of conversation he thanked all of us for taking a stand against this terrible tragedy and then left.

About an hour later, a young man was walking down the street. As he passed us, he made a point of patting each of the three of us on the shoulder. One of my fellow Knights observed that there are a bunch of men who appreciate what 40 Days is doing.

There are many people watching us pray. It’s difficult to see the effects of what we’re doing especially when horns are blaring and signs are being waved and we’re being mocked. Our silent prayers in the middle of the night and humble postures of prayer during the day remain in stark contrast to the hoopla that our friends are generating with their signs, coat hangers, show tunes, dancing and cheering. Seems that this is pretty characteristic of spiritual warfare. The most logical and rational arguments will not achieve what is possible with prayer and humility.

God Bless,
Michael A. Dupont