October 07, 2010

Some ideas for fasting

from one of our prayer volunteers:

1. Wake like a hero. Get up the first time the alarm goes off. Don’t hit the snooze button, instead practice  “the heroic moment"-- Roll out of bed, kiss the floor, and offer your day to Jesus.

2. Be on time. To everything . . . Punctuality shows respect for others and yourself. It’s a perfect fast because it’s a small thing, but hard to do.

3. Be cheerful even when you don’t feel like it. Every one you meet is engaged in a great struggle, not just you. Offer it up and be friendly. You might feel like an old shoe, but your attitude doesn’t need to smell like one. Smiles are free, they’re easy, and they go a long way towards boosting morale—maybe even your own.

4. Order a smaller size. This is a ridiculously simple mortification, but a surprisingly hard one to do. For whatever reason, Americans feel entitled to jumbo-sized beverages and meal portions—they don’t even have small drinks at McDonald’s anymore—so this is a meaningful act of self-denial.

5. Don't eat meat on Friday, the day our Lord gave up his life for us on the Cross.