September 25, 2011

We have liftoff!

I was providentially blessed to be able to attend the kickoff rally at Loosemore Auditorium today on the campus of GVSU.

Amy Oatley & Amy Launiere were the keynote speakers, and they both provided personal testimony that illustrates the ripple effects that take place when you stand at 320 Fulton to pray for an end to abortion.

Very often when we stand there, it might feel initially like we're not really doing anything. In fact, Mary Flegel made it clear that we really don't want you to do anything but stand on the sidewalk and pray!

Don't park at Omega House, don't walk along the wall, don't hold signs, don't talk to the people going in, don't engage the protesters in conversation- simply pray & fast.

It might not seem like much, but in our peaceful, vigilant prayer we have all the power and effectiveness we need- because when we stand and pray, we stand with God, who is the only One who will conquer. Our signs won't conquer, our righteous arguments won't conquer- only God will conquer. Prayer conquers. Fasting conquers. It's the sidewalk counselors job to reach out to the women, and we needn't interfere with their job.

Our job is to fast, to stand, to pray. I dare you to tell God that's not enough.

Because what we learned at the rally is that peaceful vigil shuts down abortuaries, it causes abortionists to quit their job and join us in prayer, it causes women to choose life, it causes people's hearts to change. Abortion will end, and it will be God's victory. We'll be able to praise God knowing we did our part:

Fast. Stand. Pray.