September 27, 2011

Wish I was there

I'll be fasting in solidarity with all of you beautiful people from my home in Alpena, where I moved at the end of last year's vigil.

At first I was sad to leave Grand Rapids. There isn't a 40 Days campaign in Alpena because there are no abortion clinics in that whole county. Which is a very good thing! yet, it left me twiddling my thumbs: how shall I show my commitment to children in the womb and the pro-life cause?

God didn't leave me asking that question for long. I was hired by the Alpena Child Abuse/Neglect Team as a Coordinator. We are the local council of the Children's Trust Fund, supporting programs in our county that work towards the prevention of child abuse/neglect. As coordinator, I take minutes at meetings and submit reports to the state detailing our use of their money. One program we support directly is the Alpena Baby Pantry. I am now a co-coordinator of the pantry, where parents can receive free diapers, wipes, formula and browse our clothing racks for all the infant clothing they could possibly need.

We respect the dignity of the parents in allowing them to choose what they like. We meet a physical need that will help support the parents, and parental support is one of the factors in preventing abuse.

God also blessed me with the opportunity to stay at home and show my pro-life commitment in raising my  daughter well.  She's now 20 months old, and soon to be a Big Sister in March. We are praying for our child in the womb as we continue to pray for all children in the womb.

I will be praying with you long-distance. I will depend upon all of you lovely people to be my hands and feet on the ground, braving the cold and taunts at 320 Fulton. God bless you abundantly!