October 13, 2011

Facts, not fiction



You may have been told that Planned Parenthood provides
healthcare for poor women and prevents abortions -- and
that abortion accounts for only 3% of its services.

That is hardly the case.

Nearly every Planned Parenthood "service" may be
obtained from a county health department, community
clinic or private physician. All except one -- abortion.

How can an organization that, by its own admission,
carried out 332,278 abortions (the annual total
increases EVERY YEAR), claim to prevent them?

Planned Parenthood says abortion comprises only 3% of
its services. That's true -- IF you use a definition of
"service" that treats abortions, birth control
prescriptions and STD tests as equal.

However, when you look at clinic income, you get a
much clearer picture regarding the importance of
abortion to Planned Parenthood.

According to their own annual report, Planned
Parenthood's clinic income was $405 million. As noted,
they performed 332,278 abortions. Assuming an average
cost of $500 per abortion, that means abortion brought
in $166 million.

That figure represents 41% of Planned Parenthood's
total clinic income. As always, follow the money.

I could say much more about Planned Parenthood. But
for today, I would just ask you to please PRAY.

* PRAY that the light of truth shines on this
 organization and its activities.

* PRAY that the people who work there will see that
 light -- and seek honorable work elsewhere.

* PRAY that the women seeking abortions there will
 understand -- and choose life for their babies.