October 28, 2011

God with us

Very briefly, for 15 minutes, I got to stand on the sidewalk and pray. I'm in town for the weekend, and I had a moment to stop by and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, asking God to pour out His Mercy upon 320 Fulton.

I've been asked, "Where do you find God?" And while most times I experience God in church, I also find God at 320 Fulton. I know that one day it will just be an ordinary building again. I have only rarely felt the presence of God in a non-sacramental setting, and standing on the sidewalk is one of those settings.

I am so blessed that I got to stand there and pray one last time before the 40 days conclude next weekend. I hope all of you go to LifeInternational for the victory celebration, and know that I am with you in the solidarity of the Holy Spirit, as we are all one body in Christ, poised to witness God's victory over the sin of abortion just like we have witnessed victory over the sin in our own hearts.

Peace be with you!