October 17, 2011

This is an Abolitionist movement

A Southern California abortionist, James McMahon,
once explained how he justified killing children
after 20 weeks gestation by partial-birth abortion.
He did not deny that this was a child, but rather
asked, "Who owns the child? It's got to be the

Did you catch this little tidbit from a recent 40 DFL daily devotional?

I have said on more than one occasion that Roe v.Wade was all about the right to privacy, which means the issue of abortion is an issue of property, not propriety.

Everyone knows slavery is wrong. But until the law recognizes what science already has proven, that conception results in a genetically distince human individual, the courts will continue in its miscariage of justice.

Right now in this country, we are promoting slavery through legalized abortion.

Let us pray for freedom- for children in the womb.

Let us pray for their parents, who ought to protect that freedom as they would for themselves.