October 05, 2009

"Be thankful."

--Col 3:15b

[you really should read the whole chapter]

My mother celebrates six decades today, the day that was also my due date. Her mother chose life, and then my mother chose life. My wife is choosing life for her grandchild.

What else can I do but be thankful this day?

Abortion seems to stem most of all from a lack of gratitude. We are only here by the gratuity of God. All that has been provided for us, be it meagre or excessive, has been provided to meet the needs of all; thus it remains sufficient. To claim insufficiency is to render oneself poor, very spiritually poor. Yet a proclamation of gratitude yields such abundant blessings...

Nothing could be more empty of gratitude than abortion.

We are called to gratuity. To give freely, joyfully, excessively, without reservation. In this we will most resemble Christ, who is still giving daily- this very moment in fact. We are called to be gratuitous in our love of others, especially those who seek calumny against us.

I believe that we are doing this at 320. Ultimately, the staff there will not answer to us. But when we answer to God, we will be able to declare righteously that we loved every single person inside that building and prayed for each of them.  Let us be grateful for their life, and pray for the conversion of every heart towards the One who loves us all into being.

Happy Birthday, Mom. Thank you for loving me gratuitously.