October 07, 2009


St. Teresa of Avila, who wrote extensively about mystical union with Christ, penned this prayer, which was found posthumusly in the marginalia of her diaries:

Let nothing disturb you;
let nothing frighten you.
All things pass;
God is unchanging.
Patience obtains all.
Whoever has God
wants nothing else;
God alone suffices.

It's almost a mantra: "God alone suffices," or as St. Ignatius prayed, "Give me only your love and your grace, for that is sufficient for me."

Let's then consider the Lord's Prayer, pared down to its basic predicates: "Give us bread, forgive our sin, and Lead us."

In all these prayers, there is a sort of resignation of the will. An acquiescence. "Okay, God," we seem to say, "thy will be done."

Hence our total peace. It's liberating to simply give over to God, in whose hands we have all we could ever possibly want or need. It's calming to know that the Almighty has it covered, that we are forgiven.

We can forget that sometimes in our eagerness to bring about the Kingdom. We want to impress, we want to get 'x' amount of things crossed off our list before we die. We don't always behave as though God has held up His end of the bargain.Yet, remaining ever transcendent, ever immanent, God our Father is saying, "Just be with me, as I am with you. I love you!"

This gift of presence is all God really desires of us, what will sufice. Present presence. Peaceful presence. Present and full of peace. God's peace.

Lead us Lord, ever more deeply into your peace, a peace the world cannot give~