October 06, 2011


a world without legal abortion.

This will be the theme for the annual Students for Life convention.

Can you picture it?

Some people in our nation can still recall growing up under segregation, with blacks using separate drinking fountains and separate entrances, as depicted in the film "The Help". They never thought they would live to see the day when we would elect a black president.

What did they do? They prayed. They turned from evil (they did not use violent means of civil disobedience). They humbled themselves.

And what marvels has God wrought within the space of one generation?

We too are being called to humble ourselves through fasting and pray for an end to abortion. We are asked to bear our grievances peacefully while we stand on the sidewalk, neither carrying signs nor engaging people in debate. Simply stand and pray.

What will God accomplish? Will 320 close? Will all human life be protected under the law?

If you can imagine it, can you also ask God to make it so? Can you offer your own hardships on behalf of the children whose lives will be snuffed out today? Can you be there on the sidewalk to honor the death of these tiny innocents and love them? Can you stand there and love those who discarded the dignity of these children? How big is your heart today? Is it as big as your imagination?